Monday 12 January 2009

Avey Tare and Panda Bear

Animal Collective's latest (and ninth) album "Merriweather Post Pavillion" is out today in the UK. As you might have gathered from reviews pretty much everywhere, its very good.
Animal Collective's first album "Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished" was released in 2000, originally under the name "Avey Tare and Panda Bear", who are still the two main members of the group. It started off as a solo album by Avey Tare, but he was impressed by Panda Bear's drumming so decided to put his name on the release as well, and since then the band has been more collaborative in nature.
Their debut is also arguably more accessible than albums 2-5, although a few tracks feature hardcore amounts of high-pitched feedback loops.

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